Do you have the tendency to make assumptions about people and things based on prior history? If you have the courage to say “yes”, you have a lot of company!

We’ve all heard that the word “assume” equates to making both “u” and “me” foolish (well, not exactly that word…)

Achieving success requires the courage to “scrub off” our assumptions and be open and receptive in areas where we may have baggage.

Begin challenging your own assumptions. Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile, or the light won’t come in.
~Alan Alda

Don’t Let Baggage Impede Success . . .  

Admittedly it’s difficult to step out of our comfort zone, to accept and adapt to change, and to have the commitment to expand our thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors.

We’ve had the opportunity to observe many leaders, styles, skills, traits and actions and have come to the conclusion: Courage is the single most important attribute any leader must have in order to be effective and successful.

Success requires living courageously. Courage is required for choosing our behaviors and strategies, and for taking ownership for making the important decisions that impact our career, our lives, our happiness, and our future.

Owning our career builds our leadership skills and enables us to become stronger leaders for any team or any organization that we lead or are a part of.  It also positions us to transform and strengthen leadership around the world, one person at a time.

It requires having the dream and desire to be a strong leader; it’s wanting to motivate and inspire individuals, teams and entire organizations. It’s a continuum; it never stops, it’s ongoing, and it takes courage.

This also includes relinquishing control.  Empower others and let them “take the wheel and drive”.  As leaders we need to understand the strengths within our teams, take a step back, and let them do what they do best.

Challenge your assumptions, face your fears, increase your level of openness, and position yourself and others for success!