Skillfully Influence Others – COMPASS Series #10

The final component in our COMPASS series is about how to skillfully influence others.

Let’s start by agreeing on the premise that we’re all leaders since we all have the ability to influence others. But how do we do that?

A great way to influence others is to understand their goals. What are they trying to achieve? What obstacles are they facing? How could they be helped? Do they want assistance?

If yes, determine what and how you can help them attain each goal. A friend found this formula: LEAP = Listen, Empathize, Agree, and Plan.

Listen to their goals, empathize with their situation, agree on tasks, and begin to plan.

Note: To access PeopleTek’s Leadership COMPASS, visit and scroll to the bottom of the page.

The PeopleTek COMPASS identifies key components for providing direction and for obtaining desired results. Use it throughout your career!

If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.
–Mark Twain

The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.
–Kenneth Blanchard

Skillfully Influencing Others

Past experiences, our observations, and how we’ve interpreted situations impact how we influence others. This includes utilizing our own attitudes and beliefs, and our perceptions of the attitudes and beliefs others.

Our “self-talk” greatly impacts if and how we’ll influence others. A lack of confidence will inhibit us from expressing our opinions, especially when we fear rejection.

There are two different styles that are used in influencing others:

  1. Openness in communication
  2. Consideration for others

Our level of openness is what dictates how willing we are to share our life experiences, our thoughts, and our emotions with others. (In contrast with volunteering minimal information).

Consideration is displayed by our willingness to accept and respond to others in the way they prefer. To some this includes an intensity to preserve the rights of others as they would their own.  The opposing style is to display little respect for the opinions, feelings, and reactions of others, with no interest in showing support.

In addition to being open and considerate of others, those that skillfully and positively influencing others are aware of and appropriately utilize the following:

  • Body posture
  • Facial expression
  • Eye contact
  • Tone of voice
  • Fluency of speech
  • Directness of speech
  • Verbal behavior

Passion has a lot to do with the effort we’ll make to influence others.  If passion is missing, it’s easy to defer to others, and step back. When passion exists, we’re much more inclined to influence others to a greater extent, and risk disagreement or rejection.


To get others to see or understand your point of view, you need to show them how your point of view or approach would help them to achieve their goals more easily and/or effectively.

Nothing is more important than having the facts and knowing what you’re talking about. Therefore, to be sure you’ve done all your homework any time you want to present your ideas in a way that is most likely to influence others, write down every possible question that you think they might ask, and prepare yourself by knowing the answer to each one.

Learn more from QwikCoach

Now complete your COMPASS. Click here and scroll to the bottom to access the COMPASS template.

Do you naturally use your influencing skills? Is it an effort? How do you respond to rejection?

What are your strengths and what could you change in regards to skillfully influencing others? What would others say about your skill to influence others?

Recommended reading:

Getting To YesRoger Fisher, William L. Ury and Bruce Patton

How to Win friends and Influence People–Dale Carnegie

By skillfully influencing others, productivity gains of 2 to 3 hours a week are realized. How much are you contributing to an increase in productivity?

Enhancing & Sustaining Relationships

As we continue our COMPASS series, this week’s topic is the need to Sustain and Enhance Relationships. Successful leaders are proficient in managing relationships and building networks. They possess the ability to find common ground and build rapport and make interpersonal relationships positive, supportive, clear, and empowering. Regardless if the relationship is with your manager, customer, peer, or business partner, by creating and sustaining relationships, you will be more effective!

Use the PeopleTek COMPASS throughout your career!

In organizations, real power and energy is generated through relationships. The patterns of relationships and the capacities to form them are more important than tasks, functions, roles, and positions.

–Margaret Wheatly Leadership and the New Science

Enhancing and Sustaining Relationships

People and relationships matter! The existence of strong working relationships creates energy, reduces turnover, increases satisfaction levels, and grows results.

Tips to Help Build Relationships

  • Be receptive to coaching or direction from those you trust and respect
  • Focus on expectations and understand desired results
  • Stay current on required work skills
  • Share your successes and accomplishments
  • Escalate issues and problems immediately (no one wants to be blindsided!)
  • Be loyal to and support your organization; avoid gossip
  • If integrity issues exist, escalate them with facts and specific events
  • Solicit feedback to hear perceptions of what’s working well and what is not
  • Consider how you respond to situations; are you contributing to a non-productive relationship? Key questions to ask to diffuse any situation and build relationships are:
    • “What could I do to help?
    • “How can I improve the situation, issue, etc”
    • “So you think I could . . . ”

Now get a copy of your own COMPASS!

How readily do you establish new relationships? Do you take the time to nurture and sustain already established relationships? What are your strengths and what could you change in regards to relationship building? How do others view your relationship capabilities?

QwikCoach Summary of Our Leadership COMPASS

A person’s frame of reference is his or her unique and individual perspective or personal “bias” – a sort of perceptual “filter” through which that person views the world. It determines how the individual interprets situations and other people’s words, actions, and beliefs – and how others interpret his or hers. Understanding “frame of reference” is key to building strong and effective relationships.

Learn More

Recommended Reading

Strengths-Based Leadership – Tom Rath and Barry Conchie

The Feiner Points Of Leadership – Michael Feiner

Invest in sustaining and enhancing your relationships to increase levels of success!

Successful Leadership – COMPASS #8

Successful leaders manage conflict; they don’t shy away from it or suppress it but see it as an engine of creativity and innovation…
–Ronald Heifetz and Marty Linsky

Our COMPASS series continues; this week we’ll talk about Appropriately Managing Conflict.

When many people hear the word “conflict” they think of negative situations. It may be, or in its simplest form, it could be a disagreement or difference of opinion which can be inspirational and lend itself to creativity and growth.

When conflict is not appropriately managed, problems arise; ill feelings surface, morale diminishes, and productivity suffers.

How well do you manage conflict? Do you face it head-on? Do you hope it will go away?

Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilman identified 5 modes of conflict. Some styles sound like they may be “better” than others but in reality, there is no right or wrong style; all five modes are useful when used in the appropriate situation.

The 5 Conflict Modes


  • This is a power-oriented mode and is assertive and uncooperative; the individual pursues his or her own interest at the expense of the other person.


  • This is the opposite of competing and is unassertive and cooperative. The accommodating person neglects their own concerns to satisfy the concerns of others.


  • Avoiding is unassertive and uncooperative. The individual does not pursue their own concern or those of another person.


  • This is the opposite of avoiding where the individual is both assertive and cooperative and works to satisfy all of the concerns of everyone.


  • This falls between competing and accommodating and is both assertive and cooperative, a mutually acceptable solution is reached, and both parties make concessions to resolve the issue.

When to Leverage Each Style

The COMPETING mode is most effective when quick, decisive action is required and for important issues that may be unpopular or are vital to the organization. Examples include discipline, cost cutting, legal requirements, and enforcing company rules and policies.

ACCOMMODATING is useful when preserving harmony is essential, for allowing others to learn from their mistakes (where the risk is minimal), when you realize you can learn from others and that their position is likely a better solution or that the issue is much more important to the other person than it is to you.

AVOIDING is useful when there are more pressing issues,  when others are addressing the situation and don’t require your intervention, when gathering more information is more important than having an immediate response, when you have no chance of satisfying your own concerns,  and to let people cool down and reduce tension and then readdress the concern at a later time.

COLLABORATING is useful when there are important issues on both sides which can not be compromised, must be integrated into a solution,  and when there is a need to work through hard feelings that are impacting interpersonal relationships.

COMPROMISING is useful when there are time constraints and solutions must be obtained quickly when your issue is moderately important, when two opponents of equal power are strongly committed to differing goals but must reach a solution (example: labor contracts), and as a back-up when collaboration or competition fails.

Effective leaders understand the value of all conflict styles. They readily adapt to the style most appropriate for the situation, and they intervene only when necessary.

Recommended Reading

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team – Patrick Lencioni

Conflict Management: A Practical Guide to Developing Negotiation Strategies– Barbara A. Budjac Corvette Ph. D.

What are your strengths and opportunities for managing conflict?

Do you know your preferred conflict style? Do you overuse it?

Can you recognize the conflict styles of others and do you manage the conflict if styles are being inappropriately utilized?

We’d love to hear your success stories!

QwikCoach summary and link:

Planning activities need to be done at both tactical and strategic levels.  For planning efforts to be successful, leaders must be attentive to both.

Do you appropriately handle conflict?

Use the COMPASS and rate yourself objectively.

Now rate your team.

Do you see opportunities for improvement?

Plan For Success – COMPASS Series #7

Planning is this week’s topic from our COMPASS model (you can use the PeopleTek COMPASS throughout your career!). As a reminder, our COMPASS components are: Communicate Effectively, Optimize Differences, Manage Change, Plan/Persist/Organize, Appropriately Handle Conflict, Sustain/Enhance Relationships, and Skillfully Influence Others.

Action without planning is the cause of all failure. Action with planning is the cause of all success.
–Brian Tracy

Plan For Success: #7 COMPASS Series

Without a plan, the ability to achieve your goals, dreams, and desired results is highly unlikely.

We all have differing strengths, styles, and preferences, and for some of us planning requires a lot of effort, whereas for others it seems to occur so naturally. Planning requires persistence, details, a timeline, and a commitment.

Have you ever worked for someone that had a great vision, was innovative, and had great ideas for growth opportunities yet couldn’t seem to make things happen? This is more common than you think.

A written plan lets you plan for success! Effective plans include documenting your goals and strategies, reviewing what skill-sets are in place, and identifying developmental needs in order for your plan to be executed.

If you feel discomfort with your plan, dig deep to understand what’s causing the discomfort; feel it, process it, and move on. Be aware that fear can also contribute to uneasiness and derail us from executing our plan.  If you need to deviate from your plan, don’t beat yourself up; instead, determine alternate courses of action that may work better for you.

If planning is an issue we recommend using the One Page Strategic Plan. It’s a great planning and problem-solving tool that is extremely useful in taking anything from where it is today, to where you want it to be in the future.  If you’d like to receive the template click here and request the One Page Strategic Plan. (Note: This is useful to solve problems and drive improvements, but is not intended for full project planning).


Planning activities need to be done at both tactical and strategic levels. For planning efforts to be successful, leaders must be attentive to both.

Recommended Reading

  • The Game Plan For Success – Lou Holtz
  • The One Page Business Plan – Jim Horan

Be an owner, be a leader, and be successful. Plan!

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning, and focused effort.
–Paul J. Meyer

Persistence and Success – COMPASS Series #6

This week we’re discussing the P in our COMPASS model: Persistence. Let’s first define it: persistence is the quality of continuing steadily despite problems or difficulties. Synonyms for persistence include perseverance, determination, doggedness, diligence.

It takes the hammer of persistence to drive the nail of success.
–John Mason

Would you consider persistence to be one of the qualities you exhibit? Would those you work with agree with your answer? Why do you think persistence leads to success?

Use the PeopleTek COMPASS throughout your career!

#6 in PeopleTek’s COMPASS Series: Persistence

Persistence is a behavior exhibited by owners and effective and successful leaders!

How often have you worked on a project, task force, or making a goal a reality, where all objectives were achieved with absolutely no difficulties or problems?

Even the simplest objective may encounter problems and barriers. Expect and plan for obstacles and don’t give up at the first sign of difficulty. It’s important to maintain your focus and be purposeful in your efforts. Accept that not everything goes as planned!

Abraham Lincoln is the ultimate example of being persistent before achieving success:

1832 Lost job
Defeated for state legislature
1833 Failed in business
1835 Sweetheart died
1836 Had nervous breakdown
1838 Defeated for Speaker
1843 Defeated for nomination for Congress
1848 Lost re-nomination
1849 Rejected for land officer
1854 Defeated for U.S. Senate
1856 Defeated for nomination for Vice President
1858 Again defeated for U.S. Senate

That’s quite a timeline! Lincoln could have easily given up and not pursued his dreams and goals. Instead, he relentlessly overcame obstacles, objections, and the disdain of many peers. Bottom line: he never gave up and to this day is one of the most respected leaders in the world.

The greatest barrier to success is the fear of failure.
–Sven Goran Eriksson

When a problem, obstacle, or difficulty is encountered, brainstorm possible alternatives; ask “what could have been done differently?” How accepting are you of input provided by others? Are you willing to help others identify possible solutions when they encounter roadblocks?


Effective leaders need to demonstrate competence in a number of key areas. Developing these abilities — and acting in accordance with them – requires focus, tenacity, and persistence! That’s why effective leaders never give up or give in when the going gets tough — as it often does. Click here to read more.

Recommended reading:

  • The Power Of Persistence, Justin Sachs
  • Nelson Mandela: A Life Of Persistence, Jennifer Boothroyd

Successful leaders are clear about what they want to achieve and persist until desired results are attained. Are you persistent about obtaining your goals and dreams?

Managing Change – COMPASS Series #5

Managing Change is this week’s topic in our COMPASS series. Do you agree that change is both a challenge and an opportunity? That it’s a source of stress and excitement? That change is an ongoing process rather than a single event?

People underestimate their capacity for change. There is never a right time to do a difficult thing. A leader’s job is to help people have vision of their potential.
–John Porter

Use the PeopleTek COMPASS throughout your career!


The rate of change continues at a rapid pace with the familiar becoming blurred. As an individual how are you adapting? What about as a leader? What do you need to know about the change before you can support and communicate it? What’s your comfort level with sharing it? Do you need to obtain input from others? Are you in the position to openly share the change, and are you willing to do so?


In a recent survey we conducted, only 11% of the responders felt they managed change effectively.

Given the times, we need to expect that change will continue to occur at a rapid pace, and we should anticipate and prepare for discomfort and uncertainty. Change impacts us differently; while some may be energized and flourish, others may become almost immobilized.

Change is continual and communication is key. As leaders we need to communicate more than ever; it’s critical we provide information and impacts, and it’s equally important that we listen and sense how others are feeling.

Replacing uncertainty and ambiguity with clarity will create a climate of trust and reduce levels of anxiety. Make it a priority to understand and clearly communicate all changes and associated impacts!

QwikCoach summary and link:

The most important thing any organization can do to accomplish change successfully is to make sure that people at every level – especially managers and leaders – know and use an effective change process and sound change management activities that help people to understand how to support and/or create sustainable change.

Recommended reading:|

Who Moved My Cheese?-Spencer Johnson,M.D.
Change The Culture, Change The Game-Roger Connors and Tom Smith

Help change inspire creativity and be motivating rather than debilitating!

Decide to Succeed

“People begin to become successful the minute they decide to be.”
–Harvey McKay

Did the quote resonate with you in any way?   Has it inspired you to reflect on your accomplishments or prompted you to evaluate how you’ve coached others to be more successful?


How often do you use the term “ success ” in your discussions or evaluations?

Do you link “ success ” with the attainment of goals and objectives?

When was the last time you provided feedback so others could increase their chance for success?

What commitments have you made to be a more successful leader?  (Are they written down?).

Let us know if we can help; now’s the time to take your leadership to a higher level!

Failure to Communicate? COMPASS Series #3

Our COMPASS series focuses on the critical need for self reflection. We’ve already talked about our open, hidden, blind, and known/unknown spots with the intention to enable you to better understand yourself, strengthen relationships, and increase the successes you have with others. Now we’ll start discussing the COMPASS components (look in the left box for the list). Our COMPASS is a tool which may be used throughout your career– it identifies key components for providing direction and for obtaining desired results.

#3 in COMPASS Series – Failure to Communicate?

When working with leaders, it’s often interesting to obtain answers to the question “Did you share that information”?  We sometimes hear “yes”, and when pressed how, the majority respond “via email”, admitting there was little or no supporting information.

While we are not here to judge, we can tell you that just sending an email is frequently insufficient. There is quite a bit of evidence that says it takes seven attempts for someone to accurately interpret and process your message.

We see advertisements, commercials, promotions etc numerous times, so why do we think our professional (and personal) communication should be any less frequent? The more critical and personal the information is, the greater the need to meet face to face (whenever possible), followed by a phone conversation if a face to face is not viable. We suggest never sending personal feedback via email as this will break down trust and hurt relationships.

Communication occurs in a variety of modes including:

  • Face to face
  • Telephone
  • Email/IM
  • Texting
  • Video conference
  • Electronic blasts
  • “Snail” mail

Which do you use most? Why?

Do you use the ideal mode or the one that’s easiest to use?

Could using another mode benefit you more?

Are you sure your message was accurately interpreted? How do you know?

Communication is Complicated

It includes 4 elements

1. Verbal

  • The usage of words
  • The ability to control what we say
  • A common belief that we all interpret words the same

2. Paraverbal

  • The way something is said
  • How quickly we speak, pause, tone of voice, intensity levels. NOTE: Our words may not match our delivery!

3. Body Language

  • How we physically communicate
  • Do we stand, cross our arms, roll our eyes, shake hands firmly, make eye contact?
    • Facial expressions and eye contact are key to interpretations

4. Personal Space

  • Includes the space between you and others
  • How you arrange your work space (cluttered vs. neat, organized vs. disorganized)
  • Choice of decorations / personal touches
  • Your personal appearance!


  • What do you already know about your communication strengths and opportunities for improvement?
  • Who can you ask for feedback to learn more about how you communicate?
  • In what way do you need to be more open and authentic?
  • How can your communication style inspire creativity and innovation?

When a leader communicates their vision, how many modes should they use? As many as possible! Again, sending one email with your vision, mission and goals is not enough.

Please be open, rate yourself objectively on where you are within the COMPASS regarding communication. Now rate your team.  Do you see any opportunities for improvement?

Recommended Reading

  1. Crucial Conversations – Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, RonMcMillan, and Al Switzler
  2. The Introvert Advantage – How To Thrive In An Extraverted World-Marti Olsen-Laney
  3. Type Talk – Otto Kroeger and Jane M. Thuesen

Today’s Quote

Communication breakdown, It’s always the same
–Led Zeppelin

Effective communication is when we send a message and it’s received and accurately understood!

Ready, Set, Jump

It’s that time of year to take a pulse on successes and unfinished business. It’s also time to create and execute a plan for what’s left to be done in 2012.

  • What have you accomplished this year?
  • What has your team accomplished this year?
  • What goals have been missed or neglected?
  • What’s your priority?

It’s also time to plan for 2013 strategies and goals.

  • Do you have the right team in place?
  • Are you building bench strength?
  • Is “up-skilling” required?
  • Do relationships need to be enhanced?
  • What changes could be made to make 2013 more successful than 2012?

Don’t wait, plan for excellence now!

We can help!

Productivity is never an accident. It is always the result of a commitment to excellence, intelligent planning,
and focused effort.
–Paul J. Meyer (founder of Success Motivation Institute)

PeopleTek’s COMPASS Series #1

As mentioned last week, we developed PeopleTek’s Leadership COMPASS to provide you with a holistic approach to successful leadership.

Our COMPASS is a tool which may be used throughout your career. It identifies key components for providing direction and for obtaining desired results. It’s available in PDF and excel formats.

#1 – Leadership COMPASS Series

Getting started requires self-reflection. It requires getting to know and understand YOU. It means having the ability to answer: Where are you going?

You must have a vision, a mission, goals, and measures, and they must be supported by appropriate behaviors and actions. They must be documented, shared, and understood, with all team members being purposeful about the behaviors they demonstrate. There must also be the willingness to change/eliminate ineffective and counter-productive behaviors, and identify and implement new ones.

Vision, Mission, Goals, Measures = Behaviors


It’s a dream or aspiration that you as the leader have for yourself and your organization. The vision provides direction and guides us to a place far away.  It may be unattainable but we strive for focus and make strides for getting there.


Represents what you are going to do and how you’re going to do it to carry out your vision. It makes the vision come closer to us; it brings the vision alive for us and makes it more personal. The mission begins to bring clarity to your vision.


Bring 100 percent personal clarity to your vision and mission. It requires ACTION. Think in terms of what, when, and how the actions will be carried out, by whom, and by when. The goals must be “SMART”:  Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, and Time-bound.

Metrics or Tape Measure

Symbolizes measurement and provides guidance and direction.  It also acts as a compass letting us know if we are not on track and if our direction or behavior requires change.

Our Vision, Mission, Goals and Measures dictate all of our leadership, team and organizational behaviors. By creating them with purpose, rather than by chance or mistake, we will be more successful and deliver stronger results for our customers, shareholders and ourselves.

It’s time for self-reflection; are you willing to step out of your comfort zone and take your leadership to the next level?

Team Dynamics

Are you working on an initiative that’s highly strategic or just too important to fail? Do those that share responsibilities consider one another team members and understand the unique strengths within the team?

Or maybe you’re in the same reporting structure with common goals but don’t get the opportunity to work together, and are therefore unaware of the extent of the skills and value that can be provided.

We specialize in strengthening team dynamics

We offer a wide array of team solutions that help you:

  • Unify teams that are spread across the globe
  • Conduct assessments that will identify perceived team strengths and gaps
  • Understand why conflict can be healthy, positive, and motivating
  • Identify common goals and purposes and put a plan in place for action
  • Deliver and receive feedback for personal and team growth
  • and much more . . .

Let us customize a program that will address the specific needs of your team.

Position your team members to increase levels of awareness about communication styles, information processing preferences, while forging stronger bonds of trust, and ultimately improving results and satisfaction levels.

We are most effective as a team when we compliment each other without embarrassment and disagree without fear.